Is AI just for corporations?
AI generated Image of a teenage robot studying for exams
Google has said that they see AI as auto generated content and that it is strictly forbidden as a result. Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller says content automatically generated with AI writing tools is considered spam, according to the search engine’s webmaster guidelines.
The interesting thing to me is that the largest search engines companies are all using AI - while simultaneously banning AI as a means of generating content.
NOW - Before I give myself a bad name here…
I am definitely an advocate for boundaries in the use of artificial intelligence and the content that it creates. However - I also must admit that I don’t know how to implement these boundaries without restricting the very benefit one would pull from this technology.
I also understand why people are using aspects of this tool to frighten the masses about our Orwellian future that is - at last check…tailgating us on the express lanes to future world.
AI can also be a huge benefit for small businesses when trying to keep up with this bullet train of an digital marketing. AI can help people generate unique, meaningful, and informative content that can reach new audiences and grow exposure for small marketplaces that may otherwise find themselves tucked behind a dumpster in the alleyway of this digital street market we call the internet.
Why I think AI can help small business
The main reason I have for cheering on AI does NOT suggest that I support everyone grinding out mindless generated content. In fact, many of my clients really do want to be able to generate meaningful content but are currently struggling with how to start in the creation process.
The truth is that many of us can't see the forest for the trees when it comes to our business. There is so much to do when running a small business that it can be difficult to step back and see what your customers are really looking for.
This is where AI can really help.
Google does suggest that it will flag AI generated blogs as spam - however, there is something to using AI as a tool in your content development strategy. Instead of just passing your content development blindly over to your AI tools, consider using AI as a means of building an outline. Often the biggest hurdle in developing meaningful content has to do with the level of intimidation one might encounter when approaching that blank canvas. You might find yourself asking
How do I even get started?
What do I write about?
What do people want to know?
How long do I have to research this?
The funny thing about these questions is we often know the answers but are just too invested in the outcome to think clearly about them. Don’t believe me? If someone asks you a question about your business, I bet you could answer the questions without a second thought. You could probably talk for at least 10 to 15 minutes on the subject matter without hesitation - And yet…we claim we don’t know how to start when writing a blog?
AI allows you to ask a simple question and get an extended answer. Because it is generated by a machine algorithm, it may or may not be correct. Because you need to ensure you are not pushing out content that could make you look like you don’t know what you are talking about, you should read the blog it writes. Instantly - you might find some good points and some things that you could say better. Simply go in and re-write the content in a way that sounds more organic to your business and make sure that you are sharing your actual thoughts and not just something you saw somewhere. If there are facts or statistics being presented, Look them up…. See if you can validate them and, if you can, cite the source and clarify.
AI should be about inspiring content creation not relying on content automation.
When working with AI - it should be about removing the road block that prevents you from accessing that stream of consciousness that lives in your head but have struggled to share. Imagine AI is a tool that you can use to jump start your creative juices. Once it creates the suggestion, you can then expand upon the content with your own voice.
Remember AI is simply a series of mathematical computations that ultimately creates very average content. It is up to you to build the excitement and details. AI created content may also be inaccurate. If you share this content with your users you could irreparably damage your reputation in your industry. This is why it should only be used as a means to start the conversation.
In summation
When using AI to generate content you should:
Use it only as a means of developing an outline or to get through a locked thought process
Fact check everything to ensure your information is accurate
Cite sources when fact checking.
Don’t rely on AI to be accurate
Don’t use AI with sensitive topics or regarding controversial issues
AI should be used to supplement a conversation - not carry it
Do not try and game search algorithms with AI
AI is a growing field and, honestly, things are moving faster than we as humans can keep up. If you treat AI like a spice to be used in the recipe that is your “content stew”, you should be ok….THAT BEING SAID - too much of it can ruin your meal ticket - so be cautious.